The Community Foundation of Otsego County Announces Its Next Awards Cycle

The Community Foundation of Otsego County Announces Its Next Awards Cycle

The Community Foundation of Otsego County is pleased to announce our next round of awards.

The Strategic Plan adopted in early 2023 by CFOC focuses our attention in three primary areas:

  • strengthening our community;
  • strengthening our nonprofit sector;
  • assisting those in need of support.

To strengthen our community, it is critical that we reverse longstanding trends of declining population and increasing median age of our citizens.  Retaining our young people (and their families) and attracting new young families will lead to a healthier economy and will provide more resources to address current problems. At the core of this mission is an emphasis on diversity, inclusion and welcoming.

We want to find programs that reach into the community that focus on

  • Exchanging ideas with those of differing perspectives and persuasions
  • Reaching out to a group that is different from your group
  • Extending a welcome to people from outside our county
  • Sharing an activity by two or more groups with different identities

What we mean by diversity, inclusion, and welcoming:

  • Diversity – the practice or policy of including or involving people from a range of different social, economic, and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, etc.
  • Inclusion – the practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or less considered, such as those who have physical or intellectual disabilities and members of other minority groups.
  • Welcoming – conscious effort to have open, helpful, and friendly attitudes and actions directed toward new arrivals to the area.

For our October 15 deadline, CFOC has allocated up to $50,000 for awards that focus on diversity, inclusion, and welcoming. Up to 10 awards will be given, with a maximum of $5,000 per award. (If your organization received an award from CFOC in our June cycle, you are not eligible in this round.)

Visit us here for more information – Please read the criteria and FAQs carefully, as some of this information has changed.



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