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Nonprofit Partner Investment Fund Program

What is a Nonprofit Investment Fund?

Has your organization built up a cash reserve that you consider your “rainy day” fund but fortunately you have never needed?  Do you have excess cash that has accumulated over the years but is not enough to establish an investment program?  Has a donor left you a legacy gift and now you must decide what to do with it?  Have you been unable to accept a gift of appreciated stock or an asset such as real estate?

The Community Foundation of Otsego County (CFOC) has a program designed for your organization.  Our Nonprofit Partner Investment Fund gives you the opportunity to be a good fiduciary with your assets.  It is designed to assist our local nonprofits with investment management, accepting gifts from your supporters; and wisely monitoring your investment activities. With this program, we can:

  • Do your investing, accounting, and gift processing so you can focus your efforts on your mission.
  • Help you establish an endowment fund to give your organization permanence and sustainability
  • Enable you to receive complex gifts, bequests and credit card payments
  • Allow you to take advantage of our investment options and our investment supervision
  • Welcome you in supporting our local community.

Create a fund in your organization’s name and take advantage of the services offered under this program.

Have questions?

For more information, please contact us.
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