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Fall 2024 Award Cycle

Community Foundation of Otsego County Fall 2024 Awards Cycle: Enrichment programming and basic needs for children from birth through elementary school

For our Fall 2024 Awards Cycle, the Community Foundation of Otsego County is allocating $50,000 focusing on enrichment programming and needs for children from birth through elementary school.

CFOC is seeking proposals that support programs that try new approaches and expand the number of children served.

We understand that the needs are great, and the total award amount is insufficient to solve all the problems related to the needs of our children, so this awards cycle is centering on the following types of programs that:

• Focus on health-related needs, including, but not limited to, mental health and dental hygiene;
• Provide necessities that support learning (for example, warm clothing, daily nutrition, language services);
• Help to transport children to facilitate their attendance in enrichment programs;
• Assist with the costs of training and credentialing childcare workers;
• Remove cost barriers to participation in enrichment programs in the arts and sports.

Applicants must be 501(c)(3) organizations. Groups fiscally sponsored by a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization are also eligible but must submit evidence of the sponsorship (funds will be disbursed through that sponsor, which must also provide the identifying information requested in our application).

What We Do Not Fund through Spring 2024 Awards Cycle:
• fundraising efforts
• direct grants to individuals
• direct grants to businesses
• capital projects 

Preference will be given to requests of under $10,000 and to programs that fit well with the core mission of the applicant organization.  CFOC also favors applications for one-time or start-up expenses. 

Award Details:
• The deadline for applications is November 8th, 2024.
• To submit and application, click here.

Application Instructions:
• Please answer all questions.
• If an award is offered, funds will be disbursed upon written acceptance of our award and compliance with any conditions of the award.
• A final report will be required on the use of award funds. Reports must include metrics on what the program or activity accomplished, evaluations of how it performed in comparison to expectations, lessons learned, and what changes will be made if the program continues. Reports should be written for a general audience, with technical terms and jargon defined. Reports for prior awards are required before new applications will be considered.
• Applications must be submitted online.


Questions Welcome
If you have any questions about the application or awards round, we are glad to help. Please email or call 607-286-3750.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Q: If I’m not a 501c3, is it possible for me to apply?
A: Yes, but… you will need to find a fiscal sponsor that is a 501c3 in good standing and willing to act as the applicant.  That organization’s mission should be aligned with the goals of the proposed project.  The sponsoring organization will be accepting financial and reporting responsibility and will be liable for complying with the provisions of our award letter.  

Q: Can churches and religious organizations apply?
A: Yes, churches and religious organizations can apply, but the project/service applied for must be for the benefit and use of the general public.  Projects/services that only serve a specific religious congregation are not eligible. 

Q: Can I apply if I received an award in previous cycles?
A: Yes, as long as a final report for the previous award has been submitted (or with approval from CFOC). 

Q: Do I need to upload my financial statement and most recent 990?
A: Yes, we do require these materials as part of a complete application.  We only consider complete applications.  Your financial statement should include the most recent year’s Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Activity.  Project budget is required too, but not here.

Q: Why do you need to know how many of my Board members made cash donations in the past 12 months?
A: We have seen that healthy 501c3s are ones with strong boards, demonstrated by personal financial commitments.  We do not need to know the amounts of such commitments. We encourage you to explain the importance of this to your board members. While a factor in the review process, the percentage of board member cash contributions is not a deal-breaker.

Q: What do you want to see in the project budget?
A: The more detail, the better. If you are including administrative costs, please clearly indicate those costs. This budget is for the project; we are not asking for your organization’s overall budget.

Q: Is the deadline firm?
A: Yes. The application process will be closed when the deadline date has passed. Submissions will not be possible after the deadline date.

Q: When will awards be announced?
A: We expect to review and approve applications by the end of the month that follows the deadline.

Q: If my application is unsuccessful, is there any way for me to understand why?
A: Yes. We are happy to review your application, either by email or phone.

Q: I have a question that has not been covered above? Is there a way for me to ask it?
A: Yes. We want to do everything we can to make our award process work best for our Otsego County nonprofits. You can email us at or call Jeff Katz, Executive Director, at (607) 286-3750.


At this time, awards will be issued only to existing nonprofit organizations operating in Otsego County. Preference is given to nonprofits that are operating in and located in Otsego County. No applications can be accepted from individuals.

Please complete all information and provide all requested documentation, where applicable. If you have any questions about the application or its requirements, you can email us at or call Jeff Katz, Executive Director, at (607) 286-3750.

  • We request that a report be submitted on the use of award funds. Reports must include metrics on the success or failure of the program or activity that the award supports, evaluations of how the proposed program performed in comparison to expectations, and what changes will be made if the program continues.  Reports will be required before the Fund will consider follow-up second awards.
  • Applicants must be existing 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations operating and located within Otsego County.  Groups fiscally sponsored by a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization or other charitable entity such as schools or other public entities are eligible but must submit evidence of the sponsorship (funds will be disbursed through that sponsor, which must also provide the identifying information requested in our application).  Awards cannot be made directly to businesses or individuals.

Have questions?

For more information, please contact us.
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